Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Small ideas

I find that big ideas come easily. A big idea starts with the simplest, cleanest thought. The thought rolls around in my head, like a tiny snowball down a very long hill gathering enormous clutter as it moves. The original thought is forgotten in favor of the gigantic mess wrapped around it - the "big idea".

Big ideas, however, are complicated and hard to execute. I lose focus and, eventually, interest. I have so many projects cut from cloth waiting to be assembled, but I can't seem to make myself finish (or start depending on how you look at it).

Thus, I am focusing on small ideas. Small ideas are not necessarily easy to plan, but they have a simplicity and cleanliness of form that I crave. Small ideas do not need to result in small objects or boring end products, but as well designed and executed pieces of my imagination.

I have great "crafty" ideas all the time - and now a place to record and share them. I can come back to the small idea before I cast aside the baby slippers I've cut from recycled, felted sweaters or when I find the patchwork bag at the back on the fabric shelf that I started two months ago. Most importantly, the tiny thought that resulted in the monstrous mess made on the kitchen table, and the "aha" moment that came with it, will be preserved for future inspiration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.